wtorek, 2 września 2008

DevReach, Sofia, październik 2008

DevReach to konferencja techniczna powiązana z technologiami Microsoft. Konferencja cieszy się dobrą opinią ze względu na wysoki poziom merytoryczny. Do Sofii w Bułgarii przyjeżdżają prezenterzy z USA - wysoko oceniani na takich spotkaniach jak na przykład na TechED Developers USA. W dużej części związani z programami Microsoft Regional Directors (Tim Huckaby, Stephen Forte, Richard Campbel, Carl Franklin i ja) i Most Valuable Professional (Julie Lerman, Miguel Castro, Maciej Pilecki, Shawn Wildermuth, Mark Dunn, Martin Kulov, Steven Smith, Alain Lino Tadros, Vladimir Tchalkov).
Tegoroczna edycja DevReach odbędzie się w dniach 13-14 października.
Zostałem zaproszony do przeprowadzenia dwu prezentacji:
1. To buy, to modify or to build from scratch? How can you get your own template for effective project management with Team Foundation Server 2008?
2. Effective risk management without and with Team Foundation Server 2008. (polska wersja tej prezentacji zostanie przedstawiona przeze mnie w trakcie MTS 2008, w Warszawie, 8 października).
Po prawie 25 latach z dużą przyjemnością zobaczę Sofię (i Bułgarię). Cieszę się też na spotkanie kolegów z programu Microsoft Regional Directors. Pełny program na stronach konferencji.

Opis obu sesji:
Session 1: To buy, to modify or to build from scratch? How can you get your own template for effective project management with Team Foundation Server 2008?
Level: 300
Description: Together with Team Foundation Server (TFS) - 2008 or 2005 Microsoft offers two methodologies: Microsoft Solutions Framework v4.x for CMMI Process Improvement (MSF CMMI) and Microsoft Solutions Framework v4.x for Agile Software Development (MSF Agile). Out of the box you will get two very interesting Process Guidance and two templates for TFS. The problem is that the connection between the Process Guidance and the methodology template is slight - for a rich process (i.e. MSF CMMI) you will get a simple template.
But … The templates provided by Microsoft are fully customized to match the organization development process and to integrate them with other systems already existing in the organization environment. You can build your own template from scratch using tools provided by Microsoft too. In the end you can buy a template provided by the third part company (i.e. Object Consulting). What can you modify? Which tools can you use? And the most important questions – whether to buy, to modify or to build from scratch your own template for effective project management with Team Foundation Server 2008.

Session 2: Effective risk management without and with Team Foundation Server 2008.
Level: 200
Description: Do you usually finish your project on time with budget and specification? If yes - this session is not for you. If not and if this is a problem for you - you are welcome to join us. Maybe you will decide to follow the presenter’s way in the future …
Risk management helps to identify the potential problems before they occur, so the risk-handling activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving project's objectives.
During this session you will get the answers to many important questions (i.e. How to indentify risks in your project? How to validate them? What is top10 risks list? How to prepare and drive an effective mitigation plan? How to build a good contingency plan?) and you will get familiar with the best practices - how to identify, validate and manage risks using the Risk Management Discipline from Microsoft Solution Framework and the work item “risk” of Team Foundation Server and its workflow.

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